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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Agrees Whitebark Pine Trees Might Need ESA Protection

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials announced Tuesday that the agency will take a closer look at whether whitebark pine trees, a key food source for some grizzly bear populations as well as birds and squirrels, need protection under the Endangered Species Act.

Good Samaritans Help Speed a Rescue at Rocky Mountain National Park

Despite occasional news stories about people who refuse to "get involved" when they see someone in distress, a recent incident at Rocky Mountain National Park confirms that most park visitors are willing to pitch in when things go wrong. Several climbers provided invaluable help when a fellow mountaineer came to grief high on Longs Peak.

Bona fide Deal or Bailout? Should the NPS Acquire Grant's Farm near St. Louis?

Old McDonald had his farm, but Grant's Farm, owned by the Busch family of brewing fame, puts him to shame. Their place near St. Louis is home to some 100 species of animals, including zebras, elephants and farm animals, and it's recently been studied as a possible addition to the National Park System. Is this a bona fide prospect for the NPS—or another bailout?

At Ninety Six National Historic Site, Management Strives to Serve Steak on a Mac & Cheese Budget

At South Carolina's Ninety Six National Historic Site, where Americans fought and died in two Revolutionary War battles, the Park Service has been locked in a different sort of struggle. Although critical preservation and interpretation issues must be resolved, the resources available allow for little more than a holding action. It's awfully difficult to serve steak on a mac-and-cheese budget.

Independent Review Calls on National Park Service To Bolster Its Natural Resource Stewardship and Science

National Park Service managers must do a better job "to advance natural resource stewardship and science" throughout the agency, according to an independent review of the Park Service's Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate.