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Visit To Mammoth Cave National Park Shows Off Above- and Below-Ground Wonders

While most folks head to Mammoth Cave National Park with the intent to spend most of their time underground, during a recent visit the weather was delightful we decided to spend as much time above ground hiking the trails and limit our tours underground to two guided trips.

Reader Participation Day: Which Issue Resonates More: Yellowstone Snowmobiles or Cape Hatteras ORVs?

Two of the most contentious issues in the National Park System is the debate over snowmobiles in Yellowstone National Park and the one over off-road vehicle management at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Which is more important to you?

Fire Danger Rated "High" In Grand Teton National Park and Surrounding Bridger-Teton National Forest

Dry forests and grasslands, low humidity levels, and gusty winds have prompted officials to raise the fire danger in Grand Teton National Park and the surrounding Bridger-Teton National Forest in western Wyoming to "high," a marker that fires can start easily and spread quickly.

Volunteer In the National Parks This Saturday for National Public Lands Day

Come Saturday morning, thousands of Americans will head to public lands across the country to pull invasive species, plant trees, clear trail, paint, mulch and build bird boxes. Volunteers will contribute millions of dollars in improvements to public lands ranging from local schoolyards to national forests. As a supporter of the National Park System, we invite you to volunteer this Saturday for National Public Lands Day.

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Latest Example of Biological Island

It's long been known, and feared, that habitat fragmentation can create biological islands that require heavy human intervention to prevent genetic dead-ends. That was the driver between the Yellowstone-to-Yukon initiative, the dilemma faced by the Florida panther, and now being displayed at the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area in California.

New Visitor Center and Museum at Chaco Culture National Historical Park Come With Challenges

Still standing centuries after they were built, the ruins at Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northern New Mexico have weathered centuries of storms, winds, and tortuous sun. More recent structures have struggled to stand such a test of time.

At Biscayne National Park, Proposed Boat Anchoring Restrictions Trigger Protests and Send Management Back to the Drawing Board

After Miami area boaters complained that a proposed Mooring Buoy & Marker Plan for Biscayne National Park excessively curtailed boat anchoring practices they rely on, the park decided to redraft the plan.