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Rocky Mountain National Park Marks 95th Birthday, Superintendent Invites You to The Park

It was almost a century ago that President Woodrow Wilson signed the enacting legislation that created Rocky Mountain National Park. With its 95th birthday now here, Rocky Mountain Superintendent Vaughn Baker is inviting you to visit the park and explore its beauty.

National Park 2009 Visitation Soared to 285.4 Million

Whether it was the weak domestic economy that persuaded folks to vacation close to home, the strong Euro vs. the weak dollar, Ken Burns' take on the national parks, or simply people deciding they wanted to explore national parks, visitation to the National Park System in 2009 jumped to 285.4 million, an increase of more than 10 million over 2008 levels.

Historic Film Footage of Bighorn Canyon Before the Dam to be Shared This Week

Ever wonder what lies beneath the water of those big man-made lakes in the West? Before the Yellowtail Dam was completed on the Bighorn River in Montana, an expedition took a last look at the river and canyon. A member of that group will share historic film footage and stories at Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area on January 28.

Lodging Sale in Yosemite National Park, Savings Up to 50 Percent Off

Yosemite National Park has been battered by winter, buried under feet of snow that felled trees and closed the park's iconic valley for a day last week. Well, the good news is this snowfall makes for an idyllic setting in the park, and you can experience it at a savings thanks to a lodging sale in the park.

A Primer On the North Cascades, Both the Region and the National Park

Too often we focus on a specific national park, and don't look too far beyond its borders at the lay of the surrounding land. But it's important to do that, because those landscapes are integral to the park itself. Well, here's a video that is a great primer on the North Cascades region in Washington state, and its namesake national park.