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Yellowstone Lake's Submerged Hot Springs Vs. Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents

Discovery of hydrothermal systems on the ocean floor in the late 1970s is regarded as one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the 20th century and has implications for the flux of chemicals and heat into the oceans, the formation of some mineral deposits, and the origin of life. Over the last 50 years, deep-ocean hydrothermal vents have been found along plate boundaries throughout the oceans of the world.

Trails I’ve Hiked: The Cinder Cone Trail

If you’ve ever visited Lassen Volcanic National Park, you’ll probably have hiked the Bumpass Hell Trail. It’s one of those must-do hikes. But that’s not the only trail you should tackle. Contributing photographer and editor Rebecca Latson hiked Cinder Cone Trail in the more remote northeastern portion of the park and firmly believes the rewards are worth the effort.