Nearly $1 million worth of projects, ranging from teen trail crews, bear boxes, and wildlife research, were underwritten at Grand Teton National Park during the past year by the Grand Teton National Park Foundation.
With no trails to follow and no clues to act upon, rangers at Great Smoky Mountains National Park are scaling back searches for two men thought to be missing in the park.
Though spring is breaking out across many parts of the country, in the northern Rockies winter is still the norm, and in Glacier National Park visitors are being urged to let wildlife enjoy their winter range through mid-May.
Two productive years of culling elk at Theodore Roosevelt National Park have achieved the park's goal of reducing the elk herd in the South Unit to fewer than 400 animals.
The Blue Ridge Parkway, between Great Smoky Mountains and Shenandoah National Parks, is a prime venue to a secret season—the explosive beauty and bounty of Appalachian Spring.
Grizzly and black bears are starting to come out of hibernation in Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks, prompting officials there to warn visitors about the hungry bruins.