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Keys Ranch Tours at Joshua Tree National Park are a Hit – Reservations Needed in 2011

When Bill and Frances Key homesteaded in the rugged Mohave Desert of Southern California in the early 1900s, they couldn't possibly have imagined that a century later, visitors to a national park would be taking tours of their ranch. The tours in Joshua Tree National Park have become so popular that as of January 1, 2011, reservations will be needed for the guided walks.

Gettysburg National Military Park Offers Special Winter Talks to Mark Civil War's 150th Anniversary

Was the Civil War avoidable? What was the role of the Medical Corps in the Civil War? What weapons were available—and used—by both armies in 1861? Answers to these and other questions will be offered during a winter lecture series at Gettysburg National Military Park to mark the 150th anniversary of the first year of the Civil War.

These "Christmas Past" Events Included a Stars and Stripes Santa, a Nog Party and a Legendary Winter Ride

A glimpse into holiday celebrations from Christmas Past was offered by a number of parks around the country in recent days. Here's a sampling from three historical parks that includes a Stars and Stripes Santa, an 1861 Nog Party and legendary Christmas Eve ride to a frontier fort to call out the cavalry.