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Birding In The National Parks: A Book To Help You Bird In The Southwest's Parks

Just in case I wasn’t aware that I very badly need to do more birding in the Southwest, a copy of Birding the Southwestern National Parks by former Park Service employee Roland Wauer arrived in my mailbox. Now I find myself checking plane fare to Las Vegas, El Paso, and Los Angeles. This may be one of the most expensive book reviews I’ve ever written.

Interior Secretary, National Park Service Director Lament Looming Budget Cuts

Fewer rangers for search-and-rescue missions, closed campgrounds, and possibly more devastating forest fires are facing the National Park Service as a result of the looming budget fiasco, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis said Monday.

Academy Award Video Feature / Richmond's Starring Role in Lincoln—A Video Tour Of Oscar-Quality Locations

Daniel Day-Lewis turned in an Oscar Award-winning performance as Lincoln, but Richmond Virginia’s supporting role as the location where Lincoln was filmed will also wow the crowds. Take this short video tour that showcases Spielberg’s Richmond sets for insight into Lincoln the movie, and Lincoln the man.

Parks Beyond Borders: A European View On The Importance of Wildlife in Wilderness

Vlado Vancura, Conservation Manager for Europe's pro-wilderness PAN Parks organization, says, "Large carnivores are essential for landscape-level ecological restoration as well as for the restoration of other highly interactive species and the dynamism of natural processes. Large predators are critically important elements of wilderness."