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House Committee To Explore National Park System Maintenance Backlog, Park Service Not Invited

Two House subcommittees concerned over why the National Park System's deferred maintenance backlog is not shrinking were scheduled to meet Wednesday with officials from the General Accounting Office (GAO) and the Interior Department's Inspector General (IG) to discuss the matter, but no one from the National Park Service.
PDF icon gao-deferred_maintenance_january_2024.pdf PDF icon house_deferred_maintenance_hearing_memo.pdf

An Arborist’s Challenge: Saving John Muir's Giant Sequoia

The John Muir tree is in serious trouble. The giant sequoia towers 80 feet over the landscape, but its vibe is scrawny — a scarred trunk beneath a skimpy top half, where sparse branches wear scraggly foliage. Gone is the bushy canopy seen in its historic photos. Needles are entirely brown, not a good look for an evergreen’s mantle.