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Learn About Restoration of Herring River at Cape Cod National Seashore

For more than a century the Herring River, which flows through Cape Cod National Seashore, has struggled ecologically due to a dike built to keep mosquitoes from breeding in the surrounding salt water marsh. Now a collaborative effort is under way to restore the ecosystem.
Image icon CACO-Herring River Restoration.pdf

Public Input Sought for the Bodie Island Alternative Transportation Study at Cape Hatteras National Seashore

The National Park Service is soliciting input on proposed alternative transportation strategies developed for Bodie Island at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. A public meeting has been scheduled for August 4. Written comments should be submitted by August 19.

"The Spirit of America" Is a Unique Combination of History and Art – See It at Ellis Island

Music has been called a universal language, and now a unique musical instrument has been created to commemorate not only two important historic sites, but also some ideals that are central to the story of our nation. The Spirit of America Gibson Les Paul Guitar has just gone on display at Ellis Island in New York, and you can see it there until next August.