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Senator Coburn Vastly Misstates Impact Of Allowing Guns In National Parks

U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, who used sleight of legislative hand to see that national park visitors could arm themselves, boasted the other day that violent crime in the parks has decreased 85 percent thanks to that legislation. Unfortunately, he was far from accurate with that statement, according to fact checkers.

Hiker Rescued At White Sands National Monument Forgot He Wasn't Just Strolling The Beach

White Sands National Monument in southern New Mexico is home to the world's largest gypsum dune fields, and all those beautiful white dunes might look like an appealing place to wiggle your toes in the sand. As one recent visitor discovered, however, a hike in the dunes can take a nasty turn if you decide to forego one of the most basic items of gear.