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The South Unit of Badlands National Park is Likely to Become America's First Tribal National Park

Pending the results of management plan vetting currently under way, the National Park Service is primed to turn administrative responsibilities for the South Unit of Badlands National Park over to the Oglala Sioux Tribe for management as America's first tribal national park.

Think Death Valley Is Parched? This Year It's Twice as Wet As Pu`ukohola Heiau National Historic Site

Mention "Death Valley" and often those words conjure images of hot, blistering sands and no water. Mention "Hawaii" and lush tropical forests and wave-washed shores come to mind. Well, so far this year Death Valley National Park has received twice as much rain as Pu`ukohola Heiau National Historic Site in Hawaii.

Rare Fall Visit to Wetherill Mesa at Mesa Verde National Park is Possible On September 19

Wetherill Mesa is one of two sections of Mesa Verde National Park where roads and trails provide easy access to some of the finest cliff dwellings in the world. Wetherill Mesa is normally open to the public only during the summer season, but the park is reopening the area to visitors for a rare fall visit on Sunday, September 19.

Land Swap Clears Way for American Revolution Museum Within Independence National Historical Park

Slightly more than a year after it was announced, National Park Service officials finalized a deal Friday to have the Museum of the American Revolution rise within the grounds of Independence National Historical Park, not within Valley Forge National Historical Park.