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Musings From Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument has taken on a somewhat dark connotation since park Ranger Kris Eggle was killed by drug runners in August 2002. While some parts of the park remain off-limits to casual tourists, and researchers are suggested to go into the field accompanied by security, guest writer Lee Dalton found the park fascinating during a February visit.

Humpback Whale from Glacier Bay National Park is a Regular Winter Resident of Hawai'i

Hawaii's lure as a wintertime destination isn't limited to humans, and researchers recently spotted a regular seasonal visitor to island waters. A humpback whale that's regularly seen in and near Glacier Bay National Park each summer has been making the annual trek for at least two decades.

Persistence Pays – Important Tract Finally Added to Gettysburg National Military Park

It's been nearly 148 years since major fighting occurred on the Emanuel Harman Farm near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and it's taken almost twenty years of negotiations in recent times, but an important 95-acre tract has now been acquired for Gettysburg National Military Park.

On-line Gallery Features Impressive Work by "Artists in Residence" at Badlands National Park

The Badlands of South Dakota have inspired generations of artists, and participants in the Artists in Residence program at Badlands National Park have included photographers, painters, printmakers, writers and poets, a ceramicist and a composer. They've produced some outstanding work, and you can now enjoy their creativity via a new on-line exhibit.