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Septuagenarian Kayaker Overshoots Takeout on Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, Spends Night On A Sandbar in the River

Wyoming's Snake River carves both lazy oxbows and braided channels with swift currents through Grand Teton National Park. It's a great float, but as a 71-year-old Indiana woman discovered the hard way, you have to make sure you hit your takeout point before the current pushes you downstream. She didn't and ended up spending a cool night on a sandbar in the river.

Big Bend National Park Helps Protect Night Skies. You Can, Too—Here's How!

NPS areas are becoming increasingly valuable as places where we can enjoy the night sky with minimal light pollution from civilization, and protecting the "dark" can also save money. A project in Big Bend National Park demonstrates what can be done, and shows what all of us can do, wherever we live.

National Park Mystery Photo 11 Revealed: We Deliver Anywhere in the World in 30 Minutes or Less, Or the Next One is Free

An heirloom of the Cold War, Minuteman Missile National Historic Park is a place that both amazes and chills you. It's amazing in the sheer size of the underground missile silos. It chills you with the sheer thought of what those silos were poised to do.

Exporting "Rangering": Working To Help Nicaraguans Safeguard Rare Hawksbill Turtles

Who would have figured the stir that a couple of turtles would generate? I was in Nicaragua in late June working with community rangers who are employees of a non-governmental organization known as Paso Pacífico. I was on a beach observing something I had never seen before, something that hardly anyone gets to witness these days. Two hawksbill turtles had come ashore to nest on the beach that Paso Pacífico’s rangers patrol.