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Wish Comes True at Aztec Ruins National Monument After Nearly Ninety Years

The answers to "What do you want for Christmas?" can include some pretty unusual items, but for the staff at Aztec Ruins National Monument their wish was pretty simple: they just wanted an official entrance sign. It's taken nearly 90 years, but their wish has finally come true, and the new sign is unique indeed.

Connecting Kids With Parks Takes Different Directions At Virgin Islands National Park, Tuzigoot National Monument

Electricity might not immediately come to mind in terms of connecting today's younger generations with the national parks, but that was the key in at least one instance involving a Massachusetts teen and Virgin Islands National Park.

Congress Wants National Academy of Sciences To Review Oyster Farm Studies At Point Reyes National Seashore

Showing little faith in the National Park Service's ability to conduct sound science at Point Reyes National Seashore, Congress has inserted language into an appropriations bill that calls for the National Academy of Sciences to evaluate the agency's science into the impacts of an oyster farm operating within the seashore.

Congress Authorizes ... But Doesn't Fund ... 5.5 More Miles Of Bridge On Tamiami Trail Through Everglades

Congress has taken another step toward restoring the flow of water through the Everglades by authorizing construction of 5.5 more miles of bridge along the Tamiami Trail, but stopped short of providing the $330 million currently estimated to get the job done.