Congressional battles over how to house undocumented immigrants have prompted the National Republican Congressional Committee to pull national parks into the fray by using artificial intelligence smoke-and-mirrors to crowd some national parks with immigrant tent villages.
Beginning January 1, 2024, all America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Annual Passes and park-specific passes will have a single signature line for one passholder.
The Province House National Historic Site conservation project in Prince Edward Island will get an extra $46 million ($34 million USD) for its final two phases.
Six years after an oil company headed out across Big Cypress National Preserve to search for oil, signs of that work still scar the landscape, though National Park Service staff say reclamation of the area has finished.
A draft recovery plan has been developed for the Canada lynx in the United States, although the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service acknowledges that continued climate warming could hamstring the effort.
Work to remove asbestos-containing material at the Caneel Bay Resort site within the Virgin Islands National Park will begin in early 2024, the park has announced.
Nightly campground fees for tent campers at the Sunset Campground in Bryce Canyon National Park will jump 50 percent next year, to $30, while RV fees will remain at $30 a night, according to a park release.