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National Parks Traveler Checklist: Great Basin National Park

Great Basin National Park, known for it’s groves of bristlecone pine, fantastic cave formations, and starry night sky, is a place where you can listen to quaking aspen sighing in the wind and the night call of an unseen bird. It takes a little preparation for a visit to this park, though, and this Traveler’s Checklist should help you with those plans.

Photography In The National Parks: Yosemite Tried, True, And New

Yosemite National Park is a well-known, much-visited park unit with many iconic spots from which to photograph. There’s nothing wrong with getting your own shot of a very popular spot, but while you have your camera out, why not try shooting new perspectives of those landscape icons as well as new subjects to further define North America’s third national park.

Southwest's Long-Running Drought Imperils Wildlife

Pronghorn antelope are renowned as the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere, but they're not expected to be fast enough to outrun climate change and drought in the Southwest. By the end of the century, half of the pronghorn populations in the region are expected to be gone, according to federal researchers.
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