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"Pronghorn Passage" Program To Be Presented Thursday at Grand Teton National Park

Last week we told you about the efforts being undertaken to protect a critical migratory corridor in southwestern Wyoming for pronghorn antelope. If you're in the Jackson area later this week, you can sit in on a program that explores the 300-plus-mile migration of antelope in this region.

Power Line Debate at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Highlights National Issues

A classic battle between utility companies and environmental groups at Delaware Water Gap National Recreational Area is the latest example of similar issues all across the country. This debate is over a proposed major "upgrade" of existing power lines that cross the park, and public meetings will be held this week. You can also comment from afar if you're interested.

Should Katmai National Park Replace Its Swikshak Patrol "Cabin"? One Picture Should Answer That Question

Every now and then a project proposed by the National Park Service stands out. That certainly seems to be the case of the proposal from Katmai National Park and Preserve to replace a plywood box long used as the backcountry patrol cabin on the coast of Shelikof Strait with a more weather-proof and comfortable facility.

Environmental, Cultural Center Proposed at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Core to the mission of the National Park Service is opening the eyes of visitors to the wonders that can be found within the National Park System. At Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, officials hope to expand their efforts in that arena through construction of an environmental and cultural center at the King Gillette Ranch.

2009 Piping Plover Nest Count at Cape Lookout National Seashore Down Slightly, But Fledglings High

When it comes to piping plovers, a threatened species, the nesting habitat at Cape Lookout National Seashore is some of the best in North Carolina. That's evidenced by the fact that in 2009 the 37 nests counted at the seashore represented 70 percent of all piping plover nests in North Carolina. While the tally reflected a slight decline from 2008's record high of 46 nests, the number of chicks that fledged was a record high.

Montana Senators Plan Bill to Ban Mining and Energy Development Near Glacier National Park

Both U. S. Senators from Montana say they will introduce a bill to ban mining and oil and gas development on federal lands in the North Fork Flathead drainage, which forms the western boundary of Glacier National Park. The announcement comes after Canadian officials took similar steps north of the border.

The Impact of Olaus, Mardy and Adolph Murie Can Still Be Felt Today in Our National Parks

They are Jackson Hole’s first family of environmental protection, this valley’s version of Aldo Leopold, John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, Margory Stoneman Douglas, and St. Francis rolled into one clan. Newcomers soon discover the progeny of the Muries, both the amazing children and grandchildren connected to them directly by bloodline and the eminently larger number of ideological descendants.

Cape Hatteras National Seashore Rangers Counted 104 Sea Turtle Nests in 2009

While the number of sea turtle nests observed on Cape Hatteras National Seashore in 2009 slightly declined from 2008, the 104 verified nests were far above the 43 counted just five years ago. Those 2009 nests also produced roughly 5,000 turtle hatchlings, according to the seashore's annual sea turtle report.
Image icon CAHA-2009_Sea_Turtle_Report.pdf