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Explosives, Possibly Dating to 1930s, Found in Sequoia National Park's Crystal Cave--Updated

Some sort of explosives, believed to date to the 1930s, have been found in Sequoia National Park's Crystal Cave. The discovery has prompted the cave's closure and evacuation while the National Park Service's regional chief blaster assesses the situation.

National Park Service Sued Over Personal Watercraft at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Gulf Islands National Seashore

In an action sure to inflame some national park visitors, Friends of the Earth and The Wilderness Society have sued the National Park Service to reinstate bans against personal watercraft at Gulf Islands National Seashore and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.
Image icon Jet Ski Lawsuit.pdf

Battlefield National Parks: Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park

May is a month that looms large in the annals of the Civil War. Battles fought in northern Virginia during that month had major implications for the war’s outcome. Today, visitors can walk the hallowed ground of Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park and reflect on the deeper meaning of the pivotal events, gallant deeds, and unspeakable suffering that took place there nearly a century and a half ago.