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National Parks: Valuable Assets In Efforts To Conserve Birdlife

Peregrine Falcons, once teetering on extinction, are regulars at Acadia National Park. Bald Eagles, also once feared to be ready to blink out, have rebounded incredibly and are highly visible in many national parks. During a week-long canoe trip in Yellowstone National Park last fall I was blown away by the birdlife. But how is the overall "state of birds" in America these days? Unfortunately, things aren't entirely as they appear.

At the Lincoln Memorial, Marian Anderson Delivered an Easter Sunday Performance for the Ages

Martin Luther King, Jr., was not the only renowned African American to use the Lincoln Memorial to make a statement about racial injustice in the land of the free. On Easter Sunday 70 years ago, Marian Anderson thrilled a huge crowd with one of the most memorable concerts ever delivered on Federal property. Thank goodness a Newsreel camera crew was on hand.

Interior Secretary Salazar Sends $15.2 Million to USGS Volcano Observatories to Improve Monitoring

The five U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Observatories are receiving $15.2 million to help upgrade their monitoring of volcanics across the West, in Alaska, and in Hawaii, including within Yellowstone, Mount Rainier, Hawaii Volcanoes, and Lake Clark national parks.

Yellowstone and the Snowmobile: Locking Horns Over National Park Use

What is the role of a national park? How should we value what lies within the boundaries of a national park? Those are simple and yet provocative questions these days. Some answers -- perhaps the answer -- can be found in a new book that chronicles Yellowstone National Park's bittersweet history with the snowmobile.

Subsurface Mineral Rights Matter!

Should the NPS worry about mineral rights when the agency acquires park lands? You better believe it. Not owning subsurface mineral rights at Big Cypress National Preserve and Padre Island National Seashore has caused the agency a great deal of grief. At Flight 93 National Memorial, the NPS is determined to nip a potentially serious problem in the bud.