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Next Time You’re Looking For Lodging During Your National Park Vacation, Consider A Dude Ranch

How many times have you started planning your national park vacation, only to suddenly and regretfully realize that you started too late and all the lodgings inside the park are booked for the dates you wanted to travel? Well, perhaps you should consider staying at a dude ranch near one of the national parks on your itinerary.

Democratic Congressman Laments Impact Of Budget Sequestration On National Parks

Just ahead of the Memorial Day Weekend, the traditional kickoff to summer, a Democratic congressman has released a report pointing to how the budget sequestration has impacted the National Park System, citing reduced search-and-rescue capabilities in some parks to dirtier restrooms in others.

Reader Participation Day: Which Flowers Mean "Spring Is Here" In The National Parks?

The spring and early summer blooming season is well underway in much of the country, and for many people that brings to mind some specific varieties of wildflowers or blooming trees or shrubs that they associate with a particular National Park Service area. Do you have any favorite "park flowers"?

Essential Friends + Gateways: Let The Grand Canyon Association Introduce You To Grand Canyon National Park

First-timers to the Grand Canyon can quickly be overwhelmed, and not just by the depth and breadth of this world famous canyon. Where do you begin to explore this wondrous landscape? While the National Park Service provides a good foundation of interpretive materials, it lacks the staff and resources to develop the robust array of materials that the Grand Canyon Association does.