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Bryce Canyon Astronomy Festival Set For June

There’s no place quite like Bryce Canyon by day, and no time like a new moon in June to enjoy it by night. With that in mind, Bryce Canyon National Park will host its annual Astronomy Festival this year from Wednesday, June 9, through Saturday, June 12. As always, the festival is free with park admission, though those familiar with past festivals should anticipate numerous modifications in the interest of public health and safety.

Fisher Kits, Thought To Be First Born In The Wild In 50 Years, Spotted In North Cascades

Washington state and federal biologists have found what is believed to be the first wild fishers to be born in the North Cascades in perhaps half a century. A female fisher, F105 was detected on a trail camera moving four kits on April 18, 2021, at her den in western Chelan County.

Western National Parks Association Welcomes Two Board Members

Western National Parks Association, a Tucson-based nonprofit partner of the National Park Service, announced the appointment of two members to its Board of Directors. The board is the governing body of the organization, and members serve as ambassadors for WNPA, articulating its message, mission, and accomplishments to the public.