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Centennial Projects: Mountain Biking in Big Bend National Park

Among the 201 projects "certified" to meet the criteria for celebrating the National Park Service's centennial in 2016 is one to establish a dual-use, hiking and mountain biking trail in Big Bend National Park in Texas. What seems odd, though, is that this project made the list at a time when the Park Service is in the middle of a five-year study examining mountain bike use in the park system.

Is There Any Better Time to Visit Yellowstone and Grand Teton Than Fall?

Fall is one of my favorite times to head to Grand Teton and Yellowstone. The aspen glades are igniting in gold, maples add a splash of rouge, the conifers a dense green background, and the sky overhead often is clear and blue. Animals are on the move as well, with the elk moving into their rut, bison heading to river bottoms, bears foraging to bulk up, and wolves following the bison and elk.

The New NPCA Podcast

The National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) has just jumped into podcasting, a welcome addition for those of us who love to listen to an insiders perspective on parks. The first program is with an interpreter in Yosemite National Park. It is a quality program, the likes of which we are sure to hear more of, in the months to come.