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Rules! Rules! Rules!

Yes, yes, I know that you always consult the Superintendent’s Compendium of designations, closures, permit requirements and other restrictions as required under Title 36 Code of Federal Regulation § 1.7(b) before visiting a national park. But do you really know all you need to know to be a responsible park visitor?

Affiliated Area Review: Chicago Portage National Historic Site

It’s sometimes said that national parks “tell America’s story.” Of course, lots of sites outside the National Park System also tell America’s story. From the geographical perspective, none of these “other sites” is more interesting than Chicago Portage National Historic Site, an Affiliated Area that celebrates its 56th anniversary today.

Resolved: I’ll Visit at Least These Five National Parks in 2009

In the past, my national park visiting has been too intermittent and unfocused for comfort. But this year my New Year’s Resolutions are going to provide a sense of purpose and direction. Five parks is a very doable agenda. My list includes three Sure Things, a True Confession, and one Unfinished Business.