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Groups Sue To Overturn Removal of Greater Yellowstone Wolves from Endangered Species List

Has Yellowstone National Park's wolf recovery program, now more than a decade old, succeeded? The federal government thinks so, as evidenced by the removal of greater Yellowstone wolves from the Endangered Species List. But a coalition of conservation group differs, and has filed a lawsuit to overturn the delisting.

Railroad's Tweaking Delays Glacier National Park's Decision Against Bombing Avalanche Chutes

Long after the public comment period closed on Glacier National Park's draft environmental impact statement regarding a railroad's request to bomb avalanche chutes on the park's southern boundary, the railroad apparently has succeeded in tweaking that document.

2008 National Park Service Centennial Projects Run the Gamut, From Traveling Trunks to Biodiversity Inventories

From "traveling trunks" and power systems to biodiversity inventories and efforts to develop tomorrow's national park stewards, the 110 Centennial Challenge Projects and Programs that are being funded for 2008 offer a little something for most folks.
Image icon Approved Projects-Description.pdf

Traveler's Top 10 Picks For Movies Involving National Parks

Dozens of movies have depicted actors and actresses cavorting, romancing, running, hiding, fighting, and yes, even dying in national parks or places destined to become national parks. Here are ten of Traveler's favorite movies with a national park connection of some sort. Note that we don’t restrict the field to films shot on location in parks.