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Around The Parks: Hot Times In Death Valley, Teachers At C&O Canal, Yellowstone Visitation, And Riding The Train

The world's hottest day will be recalled at Death Valley National Park next month, while the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park is seeking teachers, Yellowstone National Park is watching visitation climb, and Steamtown National Historic Site trains will be running to the Delaware Water Gap late this month.

Politicians Form Executive Committee To Help Them Draft Legislation To Designate Colorado National Monument As A "National Park"

For two years a working group in western Colorado has studied the possibility of redesignating Colorado National Monument as Colorado National Park. Now an executive committee has been designated to help U.S. Sen. Mark Udall and Rep. Scott Tipton come up with proposed legislation to achieve the name change.

Updated: Groups Working To Prevent Hog Farm From Polluting Buffalo National River

An industrial hog farm that could produce more than 2 million gallons of manure and wastewater over porous karst geology roughly 5 miles up a tributary of the Buffalo National River was permitted based on erroneous information, according to a coalition opposing the project.