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National Park Mystery Photo 29 Revealed: Standard U.S. Cavalry Dress Headwear, Circa mid-19th Century

Stroll the barracks at Fort Laramie National Historic Site and part of what you'll see are some of the dress uniforms the U.S. Cavalry kept on hand for special occasions. Literally topping these uniforms are ornate helmets that some believe have a Prussian inspiration.

Grand Canyon National Park's Watchtower Gets A Facelift

If you've never been to the East Entrance of Grand Canyon National Park, you owe yourself the trip. Naturally, the canyon from this South Rim vista is expansive, and there are wonderful views of the Painted Desert, too, but equally alluring is the Desert View Watchtower. This rustic edifice, built in 1932 by architect Mary Colter, sits hunched against the very rim of the canyon, a lonely outpost, built to be a place for contemplation.

Reader Participation Day: Do We Need More Interpretive Rangers, Or Law Enforcement Rangers, in National Parks?

Do you wish there were more interpretive rangers, or law enforcement rangers, in the national parks? Do you find yourself looking for an "LE" ranger when you're visiting a park, or wish you could find a park interpreter to help you better understand your surroundings?