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Lodging May Be In The Works For Everglades National Park

The National Park Service recently issued a prospectus soliciting bids to provide lodging, food service, retail, and boat tours in the Flamingo area of Everglades National Park. The concession will also include the operation of the park’s two developed campgrounds, Long Pine and Flamingo, that have historically been managed by the National Park Service.

Photography In The National Parks: Being Ready To Point And Shoot With A DSLR

The coyote was coming down the road towards the Lamar Canyon bridge, straight at me. I wheeled into the pullout, angled the car just right, rolled down the window, grabbed the bean bag, plopped it over the door frame, grabbed the Nikon D600 with the borrowed 500mm lens and placed it atop the bean bag. Flipped on the camera, aimed and - nothing.

Parks Beyond Borders: Hey Mon, A Million Acres of National Parks Makes It "Better In The Bahamas"

The twenty-seven national parks of the Bahamas—more than a million acres—are waiting to make any visit to this 900-island nation a premier opportunity to see another country’s national parks. That applies whether you step off an airplane, a cruise ship—or even a private yacht. The Bahamas is a major magnet for sailors.