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Winterfest 2014 Celebrates "Alaska's Longest Season" At Denali National Park And Preserve

Wednesday is often called "hump day"—the midpoint of the traditional work week—but in Alaska, perhaps February could be considered "hump month" for winter. Life in our northernmost state is a lot more fun if you embrace cold weather activities, and the folks in and around Denali National Park and Preserve will "celebrate Alaska's longest season" with an impressive slate of activities February 21-23 at Denali Winterfest 2014.

Exploring The Parks: Christiansted National Historic Site

Here at the Traveler we recently asked you to comment on Which Is The Most Overlooked, Or Under Appreciated, Unit Of The National Park System? Well, after my trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands, I can answer with great conviction that the three intriguing parks in St. Croix -- Christiansted National Historic Site, Buck Island Reef National Monument, and Salt River Bay National Historical Park -- qualify for both overlooked and under-appreciated.

Traveler's Essential Paddling Guide To The National Parks

Paddling down a river or across a lake in a national park setting is truly a wonderful, memorable experience, one that carries thrills and life-long memories. You can retrace the historic 19th-century journey of John Wesley Powell, or land on a lodgepole pine-studded shore where camp is set under swaying trees and the evening brings a vivid sunset.