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How Might The Colter Bay Area Be Improved To Make Your Grand Teton National Park Visit More Enjoyable

As charming as it is, the Colter Bay area of Grand Teton National Park is not without its issues, which include traffic issues and guest lodging. In a bid to resolve those and other issues, the National Park Service is embarking on a planning effort to "reestablish Colter Bay as a key destination and central location for all visitors to stay, play and learn."

Yellowstone’s Spectacular Spring: The Story Of Grand Prismatic And The Little Dipper

Grand Prismatic Spring is the largest hot spring in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. The feature is located in Midway Geyser Basin—so named because it is between the Upper and Lower Geyser Basins—and is one of the most popular attractions in Yellowstone National Park.

Trying Times For National Park Service Funding

It was just over a month ago when the federal government was staring at the possibility of a shutdown. Little seemingly has changed in the ensuing weeks, other than that the U.S. House of Representatives has a new speaker in Mike Johnson from Louisiana, and the full chamber has settled on its budget numbers for fiscal 2024, which started back on October 1. While most national parks likely will close if there is a government shutdown on Friday, what is more pressing for the National Park Service is what budget numbers Congress will settle on for the current fiscal year and whether President Biden will go along with them.