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Humpback Whale "Hog-Tied" By Fishing Gear Freed Near Glacier Bay National Park

A humpback whale essentially "hog-tied" by 450 feet of heavy line attached to a 300-pound crab pot just outside Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in Alaska was freed during a day-long effort by National Park Service and NOAA’s Alaska Large Whale Entanglement Response crews.

National Park Service Working To Improve Laurel Falls Trail Experience At Great Smoky Mountains

The Laurel Falls Trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the most popular in the park, and has had past problems with too many people wanting to experience the trail, not enough parking, and resource impacts. Now the National Park Service has settled on a plan to improve the visitor access there.

Young Condor Receives Treatment For Lead Poisoning From Poacher-Killed Elk In Redwood National Park

Earlier in October, Yurok condor A6 (Me-new-kwek’, "I am bashful or shy"), along with several other condors in the new population, fed on a poacher-killed elk within Redwood National Park in the Bald Hills of Humboldt County. In a routine autumn health check conducted a few days later, five out of eight birds were found to have concerning levels of lead in their blood.