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Op-Ed |The National Park Service Provides “Direct Services” To Citizens

Adding insult to injury, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memo on February 26, 2025, directing all federal agencies to submit their plans for a systematic Reduction in Force (RIF) by March 13. This lands with a thud on the National Park Service after it has already had over 1,000 probationary employees fired*, an unknown number taking the deferred resignation, and a start-stop-start again on seasonal hiring.

Reduction In Force Directions Raise Questions Of How National Park Service Will Respond

Directions from the Office of Management and Budget and Office of Personnel Management on how federal agencies should craft their reduction-in-force (RIF) plans raise questions of how the National Park Service will go about cutting its ranks.
PDF icon opm-omb_rif_and_reorganization_memo_2-26-2025.pdf

Retired National Park Service Chief Scientist Stresses Value Of Parks to Interior Secretary

In an open letter to Interior Secretary Doug Burgum, a former chief scientist for the National Park Service asked that he highlight for President Donald Trump that America's national parks "are the embodiment of patriotism and a remarkable example of American exceptionalism."