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Traveler's Gear Box: H2O Escape Bungee Sneaker From Sperry-Top-Sider

It's always nice to look inside a shoe box and see a nicely put together pair of shoes, in this case, the H2O Escape Bungee Sneaker made by Sperry Top-Sider. My old, ratty water shoes had finally rotted away on my feet, and I needed something new, something that works and plays as hard as I do, a shoe that lasts, and something that will follow my feet around, in and out of the water.

Birding In The National Parks: A New Birding Book For Your Library

Spring migration is in full swing here in the Great Lakes, and your humble birding columnist has been run ragged. Among my recent travels was a stop at Ontario’s Point Pelee National Park. It’s a small park, but loaded with unique geographic features and plenty of fabulous birds. You’ll hear about the actual birds right here in a couple weeks, but for now I want to focus on the birders. One group in particular was out in force.

Cape Cod National Seashore To Offer Junior Lifeguard Program

Cape Cod National Seashore will once again offer its Junior Lifeguard Program for boys and girls ages 13 to 17 this summer. The purpose of the program is to promote water safety and provide job-specific training on Cape Cod by reaching out to area youth. Many past junior lifeguards currently work as ocean lifeguards for the seashore and several towns on Cape Cod.