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National Parks Traveler Checklist: Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park, known as the “Crown Jewel of The Continent,” is a Montana paradise of turquoise waters, pristine forests, alpine meadows, and rugged mountains. During a visit to this park, you can hike, drive 50 miles along one of America’s most scenic highways, explore park history while visiting the park’s lodges, and so much more. This Traveler’s Checklist can help you make the most of your time exploring Glacier.

A Touch Of Delight On The Oregon Trail

Of 19 national historic trails administered by the National Park Service in conjunction with several other federal agencies, four – California, Oregon, Mormon Pioneer, and Pony Express - follow the Platte River Valley across Nebraska. Both the California and the Oregon National Historic Trails pass through Ash Hollow, a favorite stop for many pioneers as noted in their journals.

House Democrats From Florida Ask Interior To Halt Oil Exploration At Big Cypress

Oil exploration should not be allowed in Big Cypress National Preserve because of the risks it poses to the environment, wildlife, and potential wilderness, five congressional Democrats from Florida say in a letter asking Interior Department and National Park Service officials to halt energy exploration and development there.
PDF icon big_cypress_oil_letter_to_doi_nps_dws.pdf

Protecting 5,000-Year-Old Indigenous Fish Weirs In Ontario

Dozens of intriguing wooden posts jut out of the aquamarine water by the historic CN Rail swing bridge in Atherley Narrows and in the distance alongside Shotgun Island. But they’re actually bridge footings and not the ancient Indigenous fish weirs that make this Ontario spot a national historic site. Those are buried in protective layers of silt here in the shallow waters where Lake Couchiching and Lake Simcoe meet. Standing on an old steel trestle structure from the railway era that overlooks the channel, I wish I could have visited either 5,000 years ago or a few years from now if an ambitious rethink of the area succeeds.