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Darwin At The End Of The World: Patagonia More Than The Galapagos Shaped Darwin’s New View Of Life

It turns out that scrambling out of a bouncing Zodiac and climbing 160 sodden, wooden stairs are the easiest challenges of the day. At the crest of the cliff, the trail stretches across the grassy, rolling hilltop of the southernmost inhabited island on the planet.

Cowpens National Battlefield Anniversary January 17-19 Offers An Impressive Slate Of Events

It may seem an unlikely name for the site of a battle often called the turning point of the Revolutionary War in the South, but Cowpens National Battlefield also claims a second distinction: one of the few uses of a classic military tactic known as a double envelopment occurred here. The park will commemorate the 233rd anniversary of the battle with an impressive slate of events January 17-19.