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Visiting the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail

A mile south of Washtuchna, Washington, State Road 261 – which has been curling through close hills – suddenly straightens and drops down the wide Washtuchna Coulee. On either side of the road the land sweeps up to rocky outcroppings and ledges. Drive 60 mph and you’re shooting across the landscape at about the speed of the ice age floodwaters that first tore open this former river channel some 15,000 years ago.

Federal Judge Overturns Federal Government's Delisting of Gray Wolf From Endangered Species Act Protection

A federal judge Thursday disagreed with the Interior Department's decision to remove Endangered Species Act protections for the gray wolf in some parts of the Rocky Mountains -- but not all -- saying the government couldn't pick and choose which wolves to delist and which not to.
Image icon Wolf Ruling.pdf