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Mammoth Cave National Park Harbors More Than A Few Ghost Stories

With more than 150 documented paranormal events, many of them experienced by credible witnesses such as rangers and scientists, Mammoth Cave National Park easily qualifies for the title “most haunted natural wonder in the world.” Park rangers Colleen O’Connor Olson and Charles Hanion have recorded many of the park’s creepiest tales in their book Scary Stories of Mammoth Cave, a must read for anybody intrigued by the park’s supernatural history.

Congress Boosts National Park Service Budget by $130 Million to $2.7 Billion

Congress on Thursday gave the National Park Service a 9 percent budget bump, one that translates into a $130 million boost above the appropriation sought by President Obama. If signed by the president, which is expected to prevent the government from grinding to a halt this weekend, the Park Service's Fiscal 2010 budget will stand at $2.7 billion.

Bison Will Soon Roam Again at Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

Thirteen bison fresh from Wind Cave National Park will soon be released in Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. Destined to become one of the preserve's main attractions, the charismatic animals restore an important element of biodiversity and historical character to a national park that was established to protect one of America’s last remaining large tracts of tallgrass prairie.