We traditionally spend the New Year singing “Auld Lang Syne,” a song that reminisces about times long past. For the first month of the New Year, staff at the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, and hopefully you too, will reflect on past and ongoing eruptions during the annual Volcano Awareness Month.
During my parents' retirement years on Cape Cod, I came to know the Captain Edward Penniman house and the nearby Fort Hill and Red Maple Swamp trails. Peering into the 19th century whaling captain's house through windows was the best I could do, as it long had been in disrepair.
Another truckload of bison from Yellowstone National Park has been sent to the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana, where they will complete a quarantine period to ensure they don't carry brucellosis.
Funding has been dedicated by the Interior Department to quickly move forward with repairing a section of the Denali Park Road that was lost to the Pretty Rocks landslide in the park.
If you are ever near the port town of Astoria, Oregon, you should take a little time for a side trip to Fort Clatsop, at Lewis and Clark National Historical Park. Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson visited during her exploration of the Pacific Northwest portion of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail and returns with a little history as well as ideas for capturing photos of what you might see during your own visit.
Reservations again will be needed this year to visit Rocky Mountain National Park for much of the day, with one reservation providing access to the Bear Lake and the rest of the park, and another providing access to the rest of the park separate from the Bear Lake corridor.
As they launched their slender bodies rocket-like into the unknown of their new homes, the fishers had no idea of the weight of expectation riding on their furry shoulders.
Padre Island National Seashore has landed $300,000 for research into kemp's ridley sea turtles, the smallest and most endangered of sea turtle species.
A digital data center being considered for more than 2,000 acres next to Manassas National Battlefield Park has been called the "greatest threat" in recent history to the battlefield and drawn opposition from filmmaker Ken Burns, who has urged Prince William County officials to oppose the project.