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There Won’t be Any “Hot Springs National Park Massage Parlor” on Ken Salazar’s Watch

The Park Service insists that Hot Springs, Arkansas is violating the NPS trademark by using “Hot Springs National Park” in the city logo. The city has said that’s baloney. Now Interior Secretary Salazar says that he wants to see the dispute resolved amicably without damaging the National Park brand.

Pruning the Parks: Father Millet Cross National Monument, 1925-1949, Was the Smallest National Monument Ever Established

Established on Sept. 5, 1925, to honor a colonial-era Jesuit missionary, Father Millet Cross National Monument was abolished 24 years later. The 320 square-foot historic site with its simple bronze cross is now part of a New York state park.

Court Ruling Blocks Some ORV Access to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Other Federal Lands

A split ruling this week by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals concerning off-road vehicle access to the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and other public lands in southern Utah could also affect ORV issues on national park lands throughout the region.
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Rooms Available For September and October Visits to National Parks in the West

If you're flexible enough to take a fall trip to some of the iconic national parks in the Western United States, there are a number of lodges that are reporting late-season availability. Lodges in Yellowstone, Bryce Canyon, Crater Lake, Grand Canyon, and Death Valley national parks all show some rooms available during the months of September and October.

Being Prepared And Keeping Cool Leads To Happy Ending For Man Injured High In Rocky Mountain National Park

There's little worse than a successful summit of a classic Colorado 14er than suffering an injury on the way down. But thanks to being prepared and thinking calmly, an Illinois man will heal and no doubt notch many more summits following a tumble on the flanks of Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Going to North Cascades National Park This Weekend? Here's Some Important Road Information

Planning to use the Cascade River Road in North Cascades National Park during the upcoming holiday weekend? No problem, but don't extend your stay. The road will close for bridge work on September 8th and any vehicles left up the valley from the work site will be there for the duration.