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Antelope Fire in Yellowstone National Park Approaching 4,000 Acres

Back in 1988, the wildfires that were sweeping across Yellowstone National Park largely were doused in early September by an early winter storm. Unfortunately, the current forecast contains no mention of a similar event that might knock down the "Antelope Fire," which is nearly 4,000 acres in size.

Survey of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Visitors Points to Need For More Rangers, More Funding, Better Access

Results of a survey of visitors to Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore could likely be applied to many units of the National Park System: Those who took the survey said there's a need for more rangers, better funding, and improved access.

Interior Secretary Salazar Issues "Scientific Integrity" Order

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has issued an order directing the department and all its bureaus, including the National Park Service, to ensure the integrity of science conducted in those agencies. There also is a provision within the order to protect whistle blowers who believe the integrity is lacking.