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Padre Island National Seashore: Wintering Grounds For Sandhill Cranes

While Padre Island National Seashore doesn’t overflow with college students in spring as does its neighbor, South Padre Island, the national seashore nevertheless is a popular gathering spot for awkward-looking visitors. From November to early spring, the seashore becomes a temporary home to sandhill cranes.

BRP75 Opening Weekend in Asheville Highlights Blue Ridge Parkway’s 75th Anniversary Celebration

Blue Ridge Parkway’s 75th Anniversary is next year, but the celebration is already getting under way. Two BRP75 Opening Weekend events are taking place today in Asheville, North Carolina, a city that learned on a happy day in November 1934 that it would become a parkway community after all.

Lawsuit Over Deer Culling At Valley Forge Highlights Troubles Of Squeezed National Parks

As urban sprawl squeezes in tighter and tighter around some national parks, it can turn some parks into wildlife sanctuaries that create their own problems. At Valley Forge National Historical Park, efforts to control a booming population of white-tailed deer have spurred a lawsuit from a group that believes a prey-predator relationship should be allowed to play out. But how realistic is that?

Traveler's Gear Box: How Do You Cook Your Food in a National Park's Backcountry?

When it comes to cooking a meal in the backcountry of your favorite national park, there are more than a few options. Of course, those options quickly narrow when you're hauling food, shelter, and clothing in your backpack. So what are your options when it comes to cookstoves?

Gettysburg’s Dedication Day and Remembrance Day Activities Mark Gettysburg Address Anniversary

The 146th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address is Thursday, November 19. This coming week Gettysburg will be hosting a full slate of Dedication Day and Remembrance Day activities to honor President Abraham Lincoln, his Gettysburg Address, and the soldiers who fought so bravely in the Battle of Gettysburg.