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Symposium Will Highlight Homestead Act 150th Anniversary Celebration at Homestead National Monument of America

At Nebraska's Homestead National Monument of America, the Homestead Act sesquicentennial celebration will feature a symposium examining the impacts of the Homestead Act and other important government initiatives of 1862.

Some Members of the Continental Army That Wintered At Valley Forge in 1777-78 Were "Fond of Strong Liquor"

Stories passed down about the harsh Continental Army encampment at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78 often note the brutally cold, snowy weather and the under-equipped and hungry troops. Should we be surprised that some of the soldiers were "fond of strong liquor"?

Yellowstone National Park Proposing to Increase Gill-Netting of Lake Trout to Help Native Cutthroat Trout

More than a decade after non-native lake trout were discovered in Yellowstone Lake, the battle to beat down the population of those voracious fish continues. While gill-netting long has been used to cull the lake trout, Yellowstone National Park officials want to increase those operations to help native cutthroat trout survive the onslaught of the bigger fish.