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Might There Be A New Jordan Pond House Coming To Acadia National Park?

A memory for many Acadia National Park visitors is having jam-smeared popovers and tea or a meal at the Jordan Pond House with its view of "The Bubbles," two mountains beyond the pond. Similar memories for first-time visitors to the restaurant might be altered a bit in the coming years as the National Park Service debates how best to address accelerating maintenance needs with the current facility.

Photography In The National Parks: Following In The Footsteps Of Lewis And Clark, Part 1

Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson decided to follow in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark along the Washington state portion of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. In the first of several photo columns, Rebecca writes about what she saw and photographed during her exploration of Horsethief Butte, Columbia Hills Natural Area Preserve, and the Mighty Columbia River.