Six times the size of Yellowstone, 25 percent covered in glacial ice, and home to an active volcano, Wrangell-St..Elias generates some wonderful numbers.
A buildup of ice on the tracks was blamed for partially derailing a locomotive pulling a passenger train to Grand Canyon National Park. No one was hurt in the incident, and buses were summoned to take the 70 passengers the rest of the way to the park's station.
These days you can get a perfectly good map of a national park for less than $12. So why would anyone pay $6,500 for a map of Yellowstone National Park?
Our children are more sedentary and spend less time outdoors than any generation in American history. New research suggests that the hidden costs include a decline in concern for the welfare of others. There’s a cure for that.
Karen Taylor-Goodrich, who has spent the past six years as the National Park Service's associate director for visitor and resource protection, is heading West to become superintendent of Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks, Park Service Director Jon Jarvis announced Monday.
Detailed mapping shows the "hot spot" that fuels Yellowstone National Park's geothermal features is more than 400 miles deep, and might have been responsible for volcanic activity in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho 17 million years ago.
Our Traveler’s Top Ten national park movies post was well-received, but we only scratched the surface. We’re digging deeper now. Here are some more we like for 1950 to 1979.
Peals of thunder, gently falling rains, the slap of surf against the rocky shores of Acadia National Park, even the roaring of a geyser. These are some of the sounds of nature that have been pulled into musical compositions that revolve around national parks. Produced by Robb Klein, an audio engineer, and Randy Petersen, a musician, these CDs capture the moods of nature found in the parks, and can spur fond memories of your visits while you're far from the parks.