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Interior Issues Report on Drilling Near National Parks in Utah

A review of how the U.S. Bureau of Land Management handled energy leases near national parks in Utah shows some areas where the system broke down and carries recommendations for, at a minimum, review of previous leasing decisions. Some tracts, the report said, should be removed from leasing.
PDF icon BLM_Utah77LeaseParcelReport.pdf

Too Many Deer Has Valley Forge National Historical Park Officials Turning To Sharpshooters

Too many white-tailed deer at Valley Forge National Historical Park has prompted park officials to turn to sharpshooters and birth control to tamp down and maintain a manageable population. However, since park officials have not yet found an acceptable reproductive control agent, sharpshooters will be relied upon the next four years to reduce herd numbers in the park.

A New Route for Mule Trips at Grand Canyon National Park

A trail reconstruction project on the South Kaibab Trail at Grand Canyon National Park has led to some changes in mule trips at the park. The overnight trip to Phantom Ranch is not affected, but the day trip to Plateau Point has been replaced by a ride to an overlook featuring a view with a classic Grand Canyon name: The Abyss.

With the Sesquicentennial Anniversary of the Civil War Less Than Two Years Off, Get Ready To Revisit History in National Parks

The Sesquicentennial anniversary of the Civil War is less than two years off, so it should come as no surprise that history will be on display in the National Park System. At Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, for instance, they're already talking about John Brown's raid. This short music video summarizes the abolitionist's history.