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National Park Mystery Photo 25 Revealed: It's The Cowboy Camp At Canyonlands National Park

Cowboys and the landscape that today is Canyonlands National Park long went together. Early in the 1900s, one cattle company actually grazed from the area now known as Natural Bridges National Monument all the way north into the Needles District of Canyonlands.

Road Construction Will Cause Minor Delays Through September in Grand Teton National Park

With long, harsh winters, and short, gorgeous summers, it's a fact of construction life in the Rockies that most road work coincides with summer vacations. And, unfortunately, that's the case in Grand Teton National Park, where a number of necessary projects could delay your travels through the park.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Agrees Whitebark Pine Trees Might Need ESA Protection

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials announced Tuesday that the agency will take a closer look at whether whitebark pine trees, a key food source for some grizzly bear populations as well as birds and squirrels, need protection under the Endangered Species Act.