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How Did Civil War Political Cartoonists Cast President Lincoln? Find Out At James A. Garfield National Historic Site

Anyone who has picked up a newspaper or magazine these days knows how scathing cartoonists can be to political figures. But how did political cartoonists portray President Lincoln during the Civil War? You can find out at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site next month.

Environmental Groups Cite Public Treasures Threatened By Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster

Hoping to raise the nation's -- and politicians' -- awareness of the rich resources in the Gulf of Mexico, two environmental groups Wednesday released a list of 15 state and federal properties that could be fouled by oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Three Florida Panthers Killed In Three Days By Vehicle Collisions, One in Big Cypress National Preserve

Perched precariously on the lip of extinction, Florida panthers face staggering odds to exist beyond notations in history books. The loss of three panthers over three days this past weekend certainly won't improve those odds.