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Forest Thinning To Reduce Wildfire Risks Gets Underway At Lassen Volcanic National Park

We often think of national parks as areas where anything that resembles logging—even limited removal of smaller trees and brush—is prohibited, so officials at Lassen Volcanic National Park want you to know what all the noise is about in the woods at that California park in the next few weeks.

Floating The Colorado - River Trip Options At Grand Canyon National Park

A Colorado River trip at Grand Canyon National Park can be a truly memorable experience, and depending upon the type of trip you choose, it can require anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. In Part Two of our look at these trips, we'll explore ways to see the Canyon other than via lengthy private river expeditions.

Commemoration Of H.L. Hunley's Sinking Of USS Housatonic Coming To Fort Sumter National Monument

One-hundred-and-fifty years ago naval warfare history was marked when a Confederate submarine used a torpedo to sink the USS Housatonic in the waters near Fort Sumter. While that didn't mark a turning point in the Civil War, it did advance naval warfare.

Private River Trip Permit Lottery At Grand Canyon National Park Is Now Open

You can float the Colorado River at Grand Canyon National Park on either private or commercial trips, but if you hope to get a permit for a longer noncommercial river trip in 2015, now's the time to submit your application. The annual lottery for such permits is open through February 25, 2014.

"Bears In My Kitchen" Offers A Look At Life In The Parks In An Earlier Era

Many of us have some occasional moments of nostalgia—or perhaps just a bit of curiosity—about life in our parks during what we presume was a less frantic world a generation or two ago. If that's the case, and you'd like to get a peek at life as a ranger and his spouse in Yosemite and several other western national parks in the 1930s and 1940s, you'll likely enjoy reading a book that's a park's classic: Bears in my Kitchen.