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Major Event at Gettysburg National Military Park To Mark 150th Anniversary of Gettysburg Address

On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered a brief speech which included the phrase, "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here...." Time has proven otherwise, and on November 19, 2013, a ceremony at Gettysburg National Military Park will mark the 150th anniversary of what is now known as the Gettysburg Address.

Guided Ranger Tours, Educational Programs In Florida National Parks Underwritten By South Florida National Parks Trust

More evidence of the value of national park friends groups can be seen in Florida, where the South Florida National Parks Trust is underwriting environmental education programs, ranger-guided tours, and resource protection projects in the parks.

Senator Coburn Blames Congress, Bloated National Park Service, For State Of National Park System

Our National Park System has become a bloated, underfunded, kowtowing shadow of the ideal for which it was created, according to U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, who lays out his case in a report that casts a withering portrait of Congress as a poor overseer.

Higher Tennessee Specialty License Plate Sales Benefit Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Results of third quarter contributions from specialty license plate sales to the non-profit Friends of the Smokies have been announced by the State of Tennessee, and the good news couldn't have come at a better time. Revenue for organizations that assist the park was impacted by the recent government shutdown, so rising sales from vehicle tags will help with lost retail sales.