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Doggone! Car with Canine Aboard Goes Over the Edge at Crater Lake National Park

If dogs could talk, this one would have quite a tale to tell. The canine was inside a car which rolled over the edge of the caldera at Crater Lake National Park and plunged about 1,100 feet down the steep slope. What was left of the vehicle ended up in the lake, but incredibly, the dog escaped with only minor injuries.

Glacier National Park Officials Proposing To Improve Wildlife Viewing In Many Glacier Area

Glacier National Park is rich in wildlife -- ever been to Logan Pass? -- and most of it is readily visible. From bears to moose to mountain goats, the park is a haven for wildlife. Park officials now are proposing to make it easier to find that wildlife in the Many Glacier area.

National Park Mystery Photo 27 Revealed: Street At Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park

Sometimes digging up the recent past uncovers something from the past. That proved to be the case at Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park when they removed the asphalt from the street in front of the Wright Brothers' Cycle Company.

B-29 Superfortress That Lies at the Bottom of Lake Mead Continues to Draw Attention

A Hollywood writer would love this plot…but it's true. The "largest, most advanced aircraft of its day," modified for a secret research mission, takes off for a flight over the desert. Painted on its nose are the words, "Cosmic Ray Research." The plane ends up at the bottom of one of the largest lakes in the world, where its become a prized find for underwater archeologists.

All Was Not Lost When Loggerhead Turtle Determined to Nest at Cape Hatteras National Seashore Was Run Over

Photographs of a female loggerhead turtle that was run over on Cape Hatteras National Seashore back in June told a pretty grim story. Amazingly, though, after seashore biologists placed 92 of her eggs in a nest cavity, six continued their incubation and hatched.