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"Listening" To Your Favorite National Park From Afar

Peals of thunder, gently falling rains, the slap of surf against the rocky shores of Acadia National Park, even the roaring of a geyser. These are some of the sounds of nature that have been pulled into musical compositions that revolve around national parks. Produced by Robb Klein, an audio engineer, and Randy Petersen, a musician, these CDs capture the moods of nature found in the parks, and can spur fond memories of your visits while you're far from the parks.

'Tis The Season For Birding Across the National Park System

Birds are usually the last thing on people’s minds during the Christmas holiday season. Between traveling, get-togethers, presents and New Years, who has time to think about wildlife? The National Audubon Society hopes that you will! This holiday, join tens of thousands of naturalists around the country to monitor the health of birds in the United States in general and in the national parks specifically.